Why Humans are Considered as a Resource?

Our earth has a large variety of natural resources like land, water, soil, forests, animals and minerals. Human beings so can discover, exploit, develop, and convert these natural resources into useful articles. (Oxford dictionaries, n.d). Human beings are the greatest resource and the most important asset on earth because of being a human being — able to think, strategize, rationalize, decide what is the best action, compassionate etc… (Lifesitenews.com, 2013) Source means medium (barring any positive or negative trait), and resource means a positive medium. Whenever a term “resource” is suffixed with humans, it simply means wheresoever the human beings are involved, there exists the involvement of their positive traits in the form of their physical & mental labor, their decision-making skills, their financial planning skills, their dedication towards the job performance, their group cohesiveness & teamwork, and many as such direct or indirect traits that adds to the ass...