Job Design

Job design is the process of organizing work into the tasks required to perform a specific job. Job design involves the continuous efforts to improve existing processes by identifying tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve certain objectives. It is a key responsibility of modern HR managers to understand and have a keen interest in individual jobs within the company.

Modern HR managers have realized that the design of the job has a considerable influence on productivity and job satisfaction. Poorly designed jobs often result in boredom, increased employee turnover, job dissatisfaction, low productivity, and an increase in the overall cost of the organization. Thus, job design is an attempt to create a match between the job requirements and available human resource attributes.

The Main Goals of Designing a Job
  • Facilitate employee interest and increase job satisfaction
  • Increase productivity through employee motivation
  • Identify employee training needs and enhance their skills
  • Address employee participation as a modern need
  • Safe workplace assurance
  • Lean communication process
  • Improve the quality of the work environment of employees
  • Offer more employee empowerment with less supervisory levels
  • More focus on a high level of customer service standards
  • Reduce wastage and minimize cost

A well-designed and defined job will make the job interesting and satisfying for the employee. This will result in improvements in performance and productivity. At the time the jobs are not compelling or interesting and lead to employee dissatisfaction, immediately the job should be redesigned based on the employee feedback to suit both the company and the employee.

Continuous improvements in job designing result positively on the overall performance of the company. There are many techniques for best practices in job designing in modern HRM and identifying the best-suited technique for your company is a challenging task for the management.


K Rajguru. (n.d) What is Job Design?. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 3rd January 2020].


  1. YES! Job may be related to manufacturing, production or service orientation. Job also divide in to several parts to achieve it in much easy and comfortable way.

  2. In this technology driven era, it is difficult to job design. So, as a intelligent HR manager needs to consider technology environment very well rather than others.

  3. If the jobs are designed properly, then highly efficient managers will join the organization. They will be motivated to improve the productivity and profitability of the organization.

  4. Great article. Indeed job design truly is a great method of organizing work, and if done properly , its pretty obvious on how the difference of the efficiency and productivity of that employee is gonna get emphasized.

  5. Job design is the process of organizing work into the tasks required to perform a specific job. It involves the conscious efforts to organize tasks, duties and responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve certain objectives. ... Job satisfaction and productivity are interrelated and inter-dependent.

  6. Interesting article to learn more


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